“The Foncho clause…is a two part clause…”
So I’ll get back to the Foncho clause in a bit, but first a few PCT updates for my first blog submission from the trail.
I got to Agua Dulce, CA around 4 pm on May 26th after taking an Uber from the Burbank airport. I picked up a fuel canister from the local hardware store and also met my first two fellow PCT thru-hikers; Backfire and Princess (all thru-hikers use trail names). I had arrived in SoCal during an intense heat wave and they recommended that I wait until evening to start hiking to beat the heat. So that’s what I did. I rested in the shade of a building until 7:30 pm and then started the hike; I hiked six miles up a mountain in the dark using my headlamp until I found a camp site on the top of a saddle around 10 pm and set up camp.

The theme from days two and three was intense heat, lack of shade and long distances between water sources. I severely underestimated how much water I required through the day, but figured it out on day three when I was peeing what looked to be grapefruit Tang [if that was ever a thing]. So I decided to slow things down, set up my tent in the middle of the day in a shady spot near a water cistern and proceeded to drink 4 liters of water while resting and preparing for the sun to go below the mountainside.
PCT trail sign at dawn Filtering water with gravity feed system Overheated and resting in shade Night three dinner of couscous and chicken First views of the Antelope Valley Bouquet Reservoir in background
Back to the Foncho clause – it traces its roots to the 36th Fighter Squadron in Korea, to I believe the early 2000s. Fighter pilots are known for telling stories about the antics of their fellow aviators in a sarcastic and humorous manner called 10% stories – meaning 10% of the story need only be true. The Foncho clause, named for two guys who often had difficulty with stories, provided guidance on how to tell a story. As it goes:
“The Foncho Clause is a two part clause – #1: A poor story told well is better than a good story told poorly, and #2: Don’t take all @%#’ng night.”
So in keeping with the Foncho Clause [and possibly the 10% rule], I provide this recap of a lesson learned while on the trail.
I was obviously not the only one suffering from the intense heat on day three. The flora and fauna were also experiencing it. In a ruse of deception tactics worthy of impressing Robin Olds, a few members of the animal kingdom conspired together to rid an unsuspecting hiker of his cherished supply of water.
I was only half a mile away from my day three campsite, making a sharp turn around a bend in a side wash when I was stopped dead in my tracks by a baby rattlesnake lying fully stretched out in the trail. I had about enough time to realize that, “hey, that’s definitely a rattlesnake…and “how am I going to get around him?” when Operation STEALTHE HIKER’sWATER began. While I spent the 10 seconds focusing on the decoy baby rattlesnake, I started feeling an electric buzz and fire on both my forehead and back of my legs. It was then that I realized I was getting stung by attacking bees. At this point the baby rattlesnake was the least of my concerns and all I could think about was getting away from the bees. There may have been some spastic, flailing movements that took place and then I jumped right over the snake and broke into a sprint for 50 yards to try and outrun the bees which had quickly started to grow in numbers.
I stopped to catch my breath and shake out one remaining bee that had gotten stuck under my hat brim. After I cleaned my shorts out, I proceeded to hike the remaining half mile to the campsite, still a bit shaken from the weird experience. While preparing my couscous dinner for that night, I discovered that one of my smartwater bottles was missing. It then all became apparent to me. This hive of bees, in an effort to score a bottle of water on a scorcher of a day enlisted the help of a baby rattlesnake to act as a decoy so that they could then attack a poor, unsuspecting hiker and cause him to drop his bottle of water as he ran away in fear of his life. Well done bees, well done. I thought about going back for that bottle… but not for long…
So the lesson learned here? – if you ever happen upon a baby rattlesnake while out on a hike – watch out for bees!
I will leave it up to the reader to determine which 10% of that story is true…if any…or maybe it’s 100% true…
Trail Facts:
- Trail miles walked – 31
- Current PCT mileage marker – 485
- Current Audiobook – A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson
- Current Podcast – Against the Rules Season 1 by Michael Lewis
- Thru-Hikers I’ve met – Backfire, Princess
- Wildlife seen – kangaroo rats, cottontail rabbits, lizards, dove, road runner (beep, beep), ravens, gopher snake, baby rattlesnake, red racer snakes, ground squirrels, quail, blue jays, hummingbirds
Lorraine Giurlani · June 4, 2020 at 5:08 am
What kind of bees?
Paul Batish · June 4, 2020 at 6:28 am
Apparently they are Africanized honey bees
Buddy · June 4, 2020 at 7:30 am
Great story. “Never let a bit of the truth detract from an otherwise good story.”
Mark McDaniel · June 4, 2020 at 7:45 am
Looks like they took a page right out of “Art of War!”….btw was bit by a baby rattler when I was 18…not a fun experience. Continuing to pray for you…enjoy checking your progress every day…ever in awe Thorny!
Jason Colborn · June 4, 2020 at 10:42 am
We’re glad to hear that you’re enjoying the hike, albeit with some unexpected VIPER opposition & “red air” (aka honey bees). If only the baby rattler could provide a rebuttal to the story… I’d love to hear it! We continue to pray for you and look forward to hearing what’s next.
Fleta Fenoglio · June 7, 2020 at 12:17 pm
Snakes are never part of a good story
Amanda Kippert · June 20, 2020 at 1:55 pm
Omg. Well, at least they weren’t murder hornets…..!? Also, another book recommendation: Wild.
Dawn Golding · June 7, 2020 at 11:47 am
Enjoyed hearing about your adventure. Keep the posts coming! Stay safe out there…the rabbits might be cute but I hear they are a little suspicious too! 🙂
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